Zoos involved in sale, keeping of big cats given 15 day deadline!
Animal City Lebanon and ZaZoo City were given a 15 day deadline to register with the Ministry of Agriculture.
Why? The zoos own pictures show what is going on, both zoos have sold lions to the public, and one zoo encourages visitors to hold baby lions as they are passed around for photos. Doing so, and promoting it on social media, only fuels the trafficking and desire to keep big cats as exotic pets where they face a life of suffering.
Neither zoo has complied with a government decree published in January that requires them to register. They now have a 15 day deadline to register or face possible loss of animals, temporary or permanent closure.
We need your help now! This is the time to stop the trafficking and sale of these endangered species!
Go to www.animalslebanon.org/bigcats - its the Last Chance for Big Cats...