Shooting stray animals have become a trend in Lebanon. Most of our rescued dogs, when xrayed reveal the presence of pellets in their fragile bodies.
Yesterday's rescue call was about a dog who is very tired, not moving, and bleeding in certain spots. The woman tried to offer the dog food but she barely ate and seemed in agony.
Despite her pain, when our team reached her she was as friendly as possible. Tina was taken to the vet who did the necessary tests. Xrays showed pellets all over her body from head to toe. This is certainly very painful and poisonus. She is now being treated and on heavy pain killers.
A few days later we got a call about Winston, another dog, living in the same area and apparently always around Tina. Sadly, Winston was hit by a car and his back legs paralyzed.
Thanks to a great foster, they have now been reunited and getting all the care they need. Tina will not have any special needs, but sadly Winston will require a wheelchair which is being designed just for him.
A great sanctuary in Canada for special need animals agreed to take Winston and Tina together!
They both suffered but with joint efforts of the foster, the sanctuary and our dear supporters, Tina and Winston will live happily ever after.
We need your support to continue our work, please donate today and help us reach more cases in need.