More pets need our help!
Every day we are faced with more animals in need as Lebanon continues to spiral downward.
Last week we received a very disturbing video of a starving dog. Now named Arya, she was skin and bones and too weak to move.
A kind lady came across this dog while she was hiking. After asking around Mirva found out that Arya’s guardian was now refusing to feed or care for her. Mirva contacted Animals Lebanon and volunteered to help rescue this skinny and suffering dog.
Arya barely reacted when Mirva picked her up and placed her in the car. She was taken directly to the vet clinic. She was terrible malnourished and dehydrated. She had lost much of her hair and had ulcers on her skin.
It will take her a long time to overcome this and get back healthy. Arya now has a daily vet check and being given multiple small meals through the day to help her put on weight.
Lebanon is going through a very difficult period. Economic collapse, no government, crippling electricity cuts, currency lost more than 90% of its value, fuel, food and medicine are all getting hard to find, ongoing strikes and protests, more than half the population slipped into poverty… A terrible situation for everyone and no signs yet of anything improving.
Every month we receive more than 1,500 requests per month for food, medicine, veterinary care, rehoming pets, and help with abandoned pets. We do not want to say no to any animal but resources are always limited and our capacity is stretched thin. Help us help more animals in need.
DONATE and help us rescue even more!
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