It's official - the keeping of lions, tigers and other big cats as exotic pets is now legally prohibited nationwide!
Queen, a lion bred and sold from Animal City Zoo, suffered and eventually died when only one year old. Her tragic story was the driving force for these regulations and better protection for all big cats in Lebanon.
This is the first major success of the Last Chance for Big Cats campaign we launched with the Ministry of Agriculture, and a huge win for these animals.
Zoos, often breeding and selling baby lions to the public, must register with the Ministry and comply with strong new regulations prohibiting the acquisition, disposal or breeding of big cats without prior approval from the Ministry.
Private owners now have two months to give up any big cats in their possession. Animals Lebanon has committed to caring for these animals until they can go to specialized sanctuaries.
Check out this great article in Septembers issue of EXECUTIVE
And an Arabic article by Legal Agenda
Now we must focus on ensuring zoos actually follow these regulations and work to ensure big cats are no longer suffering and dying in private hands.
Go to www.animalslebanon.org/bigcats now - it’s the Last Chance for Big Cats!