A Compassion in World Farming investigation into the conditions at Beirut's biggest slaughterhouse exposed appalling slaughter conditions for animals.
CIWF is calling for the temporary closure of the public slaughterhouse, a complete refurbishment of the facility and retraining for all the workers.
You can watch the video here - WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT:
The organization witnessed animals being picked up and slammed onto their backs onto the concrete floor, where they were held down as their throats were cut while fully conscious. Sheep were dragged by one hind leg to a line where they are slaughtered alongside others that were thrashing around in blood and feces. They take several minutes to die.
It is no secret that improvements need to be made, in Karantina and elsewhere. This footage is a shocking reminder just how important and urgent this is Lebanon is a member of the World Organizaiton for Animal Health (OIE) which specify recommendations to ensure the welfare of animals during pre-slaughter and slaughter. The Ministry of Agriculture has previously made calls to renovate the slaughterhouse as well as surveying all slaughterhouses in an effort to ensure they meet standards.
The campaign for the national law for the protection and welfare of animals is being supported by the Ministry and other government bodies. An article of the draft law species that slaughtering can only take place in licensed establishments and slaughterhouses and that technical and health conditions must be determined in accordance of the law and the OIE.
Unless the slaughterhouse can meet OIE standards through the necessary renovations and staff training it should be closed.
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